Report of President Sanford Waters Billings of the Concerts given by
MUSICAL SOCIETY IN STOUGHTON at the World's Fair, Chicago, August 14 and
15, 1893
At a Christmas sing, held at Stetson Hall, Randolph, in 1892, the matter
of joining in giving a concert at the World's Fair was brought before
the Society.
This desire was in the mind of our President, Mr. Billings; of our
Conductor, Mr. Soule; and our Secretary, Mr. Jones; and others.
Correspondence was entered into by President, Conductor, and Secretary,
and others, all looking to the securing of a place among the
organizations which would be represented at Chicago.
A meeting of the committee of the Old Stoughton Musical Society was held
in the Turner Library at Randolph, Wednesday P. M., March 15, 1893.
Those present at the meeting: Conductor Soule of Taunton, James S. Allen
of East Bridgewater, Elijah G. Capen of Stoughton, George N. Speare of
Holbrook, John B. Thayer, Daniel H. Huxford, William Porter and Dr. C.
C. Farnham of Randolph. A committee was organized by choosing Dr.
Farnham as chairman and Daniel H. Huxford as secretary.
At this meeting a communication from G. H. Wilson, of the Musical
Bureau, Chicago, was read by Conductor Soule, suggesting that two (2)
concerts be given, August 15 and 17, 1893.
It was voted that the communication be accepted and it was recommended
that its provisions be adopted.
It was also voted that a committee of three (3) be appointed to confer
with a committee from Stoughton. Messrs. Leander Soule, John B. Thayer
and James S. Allen were chosen said committee.
On Wednesday, the 22d of March, at 3 P. M., a second meeting was held at
the Turner Library. Dr. Farnham in the chair and Mr. Huxford serving as
At that meeting there were present, Leander Soule, Dr. O. C. Farnham, D.
H. Huxford, Elijah G. Capen, Edwin A. Jones, George E. Bird and L. W.
Standish of Stoughton, George N. Speare of Holbrook, and George Merritt
of Rockland.
A report was presented by Mr. Standish of the result of the conference
ordered at the previous meeting.
A committee of five was appointed to fill vacancies, consisting of
Messrs. G. N. Spear, E. A. Jones, L. Soule, L. W. Standish and George
E. Bird.
Voted that a board of five Directors be chosen to have general
management of the enterprise; that one be a general director; that there
be a finance committee, a program committee, and a committee on
At this meeting matter seemed to take the appearance of business, and
there seemed to be a determination to make it a success.
A committee of five was appointed, consisting of Messrs. Soule, Jones,
Farnham, Speare and Merritt, to bring in a list of names of persons to
serve on these various committees. The following was their report:
For Directors: Leander Soule, Edwin A. Jones, Dr. C. C. Farnham, James
S. Allen and Sanford Waters Billings.
For Finance Committee: Henry L. Pierce, Boston; Charles F. Porter,
Brockton; Charles N. Draper, Canton; L. W. Standish, Stoughton ; George
N. Speare, Holbrook; James T. Stevens, South Braintree; Dr. George B.
Cogswell, North Easton; George C. Spear, Randolph; James S. Allen, E.
Bridgewater; Henry Reed, North Abington; S. F. Packard of Campello; and
Dr. E. S. Powers of Brockton.
For Chorus Committee: John B. Thayer, Randolph; E. G. Capen, Stoughton;
Henry S. Porter, Brockton; George N. Speare, Holbrook; George Merritt of
Rockland; Leander Soule, Taunton; Dr. T. H. Dearing, Braintree; Frank W.
Crane, Avon; Charles H. Eager, Canton; L. Morton Packard, Brockton; Mr.
Marshall, North Easton; L. W. Richards, E. Bridgewater.
Program Committee: E. A. Jones, John B. Thayer and Alanson Belcher.
Transportation Committee: James S. Allen, Leander Soule, L. W. Standish.
The report of the committee was duly accepted and adopted, and an
adjournment of the meeting was made until Fast Day.
On the 25th of March, a meeting of the Directors was held in Boston, all
the members being present.
The Board was organized by choosing S. W. Billings, Chairman, and E. A.
Jones, Secretary .
At this meeting, the Directors voted to call a full meeting of all the
committees at the Turner Library in Randolph on Fast Day, and another
meeting of the Directors Was ordered for April 1.
This meeting was duly held in Boston on said date, all the members being
It seemed desirable to the Directors that the duties of the various
committees should be outlined. Votes were passed defining the duties of
said committees, such matters being assigned them as seemed to the
Directors would expedite and systematize the work before the Society.
On Thursday, April 6, Fast Day, the proposed meeting of the general
committee was held at the Turner Library. Dr. C. C. Farnham in the
In the absence of the Secretary, Mr. Jones was chosen pro tern.
The following persons, besides the officers of the committee, were in
attendance: Charles N. Draper, James T. Stevens, L. W. Standish, E. G.
Capen, J. B. Thayer, E. A. Belcher, Leander Soule, J. S. Allen, George
Merritt and S. W. Billings.
Some slight changes were made in the records of the last meeting by
which the name of Henry L. Pierce was omitted from the Finance Committee
at his solicitation, and the printing of a Souvenir volume placed under
the direction of the Program Committee instead of that of Finance.
The Finance Committee was enlarged by the names of John J. Loud of
Weymouth, William Dyer of South Weymouth, Charles H. Eager and Morris B.
Noyes of Canton, Dr. W. O. Faxon and George A. Wales of Stoughton, Azel
R. French, Grace W. Allen and Elisha A. Belcher of Braintree.
The following were added to the Chorus Committee: Willis S. Shepard and
James H. Eager of Canton, Nelson Mann and George C. Spear of Randolph,
P. C. Farnham of Abington, Mr. Williamson of North Abington, E. A. Jones
and Alanson Belcher of Stoughton, E. E. Richards and F. L. Fish of
Taunton, Mrs. L. V. Colburn and J. W. Perry of Sharon, A. L. Drake of
Easton, and Louis P. Nash of Hingham.
The Directors were authorized to prepare a circular for distribution,
urging co-operation in the work, and they were also empowered to add new
members to the committees or to fill vacancies on said committees. This
meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the Secretary.
Meetings were frequently held during summer and spring by the board of
Directors who were aiming to carry out the work to a successful issue.
At a meeting of this board, held April 29, it was voted to hold a mass
rehearsal at Brockton as soon as possible.
At a meeting held May 6, Dr. C. C. Farnham, the Treasurer of the
Society, was elected Treasurer of the board of Directors.
At another meeting, held May 13, Preston B. Keith, of Campello, was made
an honorary member of the Society, and placed upon the Finance Committee
in place of E. S. Powers, who had resigned.
On June 3, a vote was passed to engage rooms for at least 100 people in
Chicago University Buildings, and Mr. George N. Spear was elected
Treasurer in place of Dr. Farnham, who was absent in Chicago, Mr. Spear
to serve until the return of Dr. Farnham.
It was also voted that the Treasurer pay no bills unless endorsed by the
board of Directors or a majority of them.
At the other meetings held before August 11, the efforts of the board of
Directors were directed to the success of the Society's work. During a
part of this time, our honored Secretary, Mr. Jones, was unable, in
consequence of ill health, to attend to those duties he had so
faithfully performed. But through the care of friends, and the blessing
of the Father above, he was carried through the trial and was ready for
the proposed excursion at the appointed time. He told his friends he
should go to Chicago if he had to be taken from his bed to go, but this
was not to be required of him. He was able to be with us, a leading
spirit in the enterprise he had cherished so long.
Rehearsals were held during the months of July and August at Avon,
Brockton, Randolph, Sharon, and Stoughton. These were conducted by our
leader, Mr. Soule, whose cheer and enthusiasm ever gave life to the
work. His fidelity in this preparatory work will not soon be forgotten.
On Friday, August 11, there could be seen toward evening at the Union
Station, Boston, a large number of those who were to start for the City
of the Lake. This number continually increased, some appearing who had
not dared to hope that the privilege of attending the World's Fair in
Chicago with the Old Stoughton Musical Society would be theirs. Tickets
were in great demand, and a new call for them was made. The number had
well nigh outgrown the accommodations that could be provided by the
Railroad Company, yet all were able to find a standing place, even
though things were in a confused condition.
The train started from Old Boston, bearing this loving freight of
friends, who were to join in this great act in our Society's history.
Arrangements were at once commenced to find a resting place for the
different members of the party. This was arranged as best it could be
done. Soon, however, we were retarded on our way by a "Hot Box." But all
were determined to make the best of our condition, and we sped onward,
believing we should arrive at our destination in due time.
The first night was largely spent in preparation for the second. The
assignment of berths by the Transportation Committee was a severe task,
and it was late before all found a place to rest their weary heads.
Saturday morning found us out of the limits of our dear old Republic,
and upon Canadian soil.
We reached Montreal in due time for breakfast. After a waiting of thirty
minutes, we hastened on our way over the Grand Trunk Railway from
Montreal to Port Huron.
Saturday was a delightful day for travel. The dust had been laid by a
rain and everything without added to the enjoyment of the trip.
After a day's ride, we reached Toronto. Here, the whole party left the
train and joined in the familiar strains of "My Country, 'Tis of Thee,"
with zest.
We never heard America sung with more of the spirit of patriotism;
although upon a foreign soil, the applause we received showed that those
soul-stirring words of loyal devotion to fatherland drew out a quick
appreciation from the listeners.
The grand old tune of Holden's "Coronation," with its "All hail the
power of Jesus' name," that hymn and tune which, though a century old,
have awakened Christian life around the world, was then sung. "Auld Lang
Syne" was the closing song, and we were sure that with us "Auld
Acquaintance" would not be forgot.
During the day we had enjoyed beautiful views of Lake Ontario, and had
been inspired by the expanse spread out before us.
At night we sought our berths at a comparatively early hour, and before
morning dawned we had crossed the border line and were once more in the
land of the free. This Sabbath morning dawned most charmingly. We
traveled on, realizing that our train was late, yet in hope, seeing in
the distance the famous Ferris Wheel of the Exposition.
About 12 o'clock noon we were in the City. We hastened to the University
rooms, and soon found our accommodations, ample and attractive, which
had been provided by our faithful committee.
Toward evening a rehearsal was held in one of the lecture rooms. The
music was taken up with alacrity, and we have never heard the old music
rendered better. Every one was at his best.
On Monday at 3 P. M. the first concert was given, the members of the
chorus and orchestra appearing in costume. There were 2,000 in
The Conductor was enthusiastic, hopeful, and proud of the Society whose
concerts he was to conduct. The chorus caught this spirit of cheer and
enthusiasm and sang as only those can sing who are inspired with the
music of the Father. The orchestra was led by Mr. E. A. Jones, who
looked upon the work of the day with delight and interest, realizing
that the long looked for time had come, the expected day had arrived,
and that grand results were developing as each new selection was
His select company of artists forming the orchestra who took the place
when others had failed, won for themselves enviable distinction, while
the soloists won from the listeners many an approval, and the grand old
songs of the fathers, the composition of the pioneers in American music,
so heartily rendered by the chorus, won the repeated applause of those
who had come to hear the strains of yore. Some expressed the thought
that nothing had given them so much delight, had so thrilled their
souls, so aroused the tenderest and strongest chords of the human heart
as the rendering of Easter Anthem, Emmanuel, Contentment, and the other
selections their ears had been permitted to hear.
An especial feature of the concerts was the appearance of Mr. Alanson
Belcher who, at the invitation of Conductor Soule, led the chorus
through the inspiring strain of "As Shepherds in Jewry Were Guarding
Their Sheep." Where could we go to find a parallel of this, to see the
grand musical Patriarch of more than four score years step to the front,
wield the baton, mark the time, and throw from his own soul into the
souls of others the inspiration of one who, though his brow was frosted
with many a winter, seemed like one in the grandeur of life's prime ?
His soul was in his song. His was not the service of the lip; his was
the thanksgiving of the heart.
On Tuesday, the concert was repeated, losing none of its beauty or
excellence. Those who had listened to the songs which used to be sung by
lips long since silent in the days "that are past and gone," experienced
a pathos and rapture that widen and deepen as the song goes on.
The Chicago Record, World's Fair Bureau, the Chicago Inter-Ocean, and
Chicago Tribune all gave reports of commendation.
That was a delightful event which happened at the Massachusetts Building
on Wednesday, P. M., when, surrounded by representatives, not only of
the Old Bay State but from other commonwealths of the Union, and from
foreign countries, our Society gave in the parlors of the State Building
one of its best efforts. So inspiring were the strains, so inviting to
the ear, that ere one selection was completed, the rooms were filled to
overflowing. Massachusetts was doing through the Old Stoughton Musical
Society what no other state in the Union had thought of doing, bringing
the songs of the past century of the Bay State to the ears of the
representatives of the World at Chicago. At this gathering, Mr. Belcher
gave with fine effect the "Boston Tea Party." The manner and vigor of
the singer and the patriotic spirit of the song will not soon be
forgotten by those who were so fortunate as to be present.
But this eventful day of Wednesday was not to close with this impromptu
meeting at the Massachusetts Building, where we had been so kindly
invited and so cordially welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Stock-dale. Another
invitation came from Mr. Wallace S. Shaw, the manager for Hon. Henry L.
Pierce who is proud to own Stoughton for his birthplace and but for
whose benevolence this memorable work of our beloved Society might have
resulted in failure.
We must not end our visit in Chicago or complete the grand and
enthusiastic work of the day without being the guests at the beautiful
pavilion of the Walter Baker & Co. Chocolate Works. The courtesies of
the house were extended to the Society and that eventful day was closed
with another season of song, when the same inspiration was awakened that
had been everywhere manifested.
The hours of the early afternoon of that day had been begun with song,
and as the day faded into twilight and twilight fled before the darkness
and the evening hours were upon us, the notes of Majesty, New Bethlehem,
Victory, and Chester sounded out upon the air, and that Chicago night
was intensified in interest as
"While Shepherds watched their flocks by night, All seated on the
ground, The Angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around," was
wafted out upon the evening breeze.
The remaining days of our tarrying were then ours for visit and
enjoyment in the grandest errand of the century. We had felt the burden
of responsibility that was upon us to render the name of our Society
illustrious in the work which had been given us to do. Our work had been
well done.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the Sabbath, which remained to us, were
crowded with individual work and interest.
On Monday, August 21, we. left Chicago and started on our way homeward.
We found that the ties of friendship which had been formed were more
closely drawn and the bonds of sympathy more firmly cemented. Several
pleasing incidents and experiences attended our party, homeward bound.

Universalist Church—Stoughton, 1874
The hours spent at Niagara Falls were supremely enjoyable and the day
was far too short to drink in all the beauty and grandeur and sublimity
of Nature's wonders spread out all about us.
Another pleasing incident of the return journey was the delightful
episode in which Dr. T. H. Dearing and Mr. Alanson Belcher played so
important a part. Dr. Whitney and others had learned that our dear
friend, Mr. Belcher, was passing his 83d birthday.
Such an event could not be neglected by his many friends. There must be
some memento of this so important event—the birthday of a man entering
upon his 84th year while returning from one of the richest experiences
of a well rounded life.
An album was purchased, the names of all the party were inscribed upon
its pages, and when the proper time came, which was at St. Albans,
Vermont, Dr. Bearing, in a most happy and felicitous speech, presented
this token of remembrance to our dearly loved, venerable friend. Mr.
Belcher had no time for reply, but we all saw as we looked into the face
of the grand old man, there were emotions in his heart that may never
find expression in words.
Would that we had time and ability to express our estimation of the
worth of many upon our trip, and of some, who were not permitted to join
us in our excursion. But we feel compelled to name one or two.
Dr. C. C. Farnham performed excellent work when the plan was in its
inception. He ever spoke for us words of encouragement and advised us,
if possible, to perfect our plan and persevere until the end was
reached. He carefully guarded our finances, and cared for those things
which have been styled the sinews of war. No one watched our departure
with more interest, no one caught the grand result of our work as it
came to his eye upon the printed page, with more ardour, and no one
welcomed our happy and successful return with more devotion and
tenderness than he.
Who can tell the value of the work done by Hon. James S. Allen. His was
truly a Herculean task, night and day he cared for all. Before our
departure, he spent many an hour in completing the necessary
arrangements for our journey, and from the time we left the station in
Boston on that memorable Friday, August 1893, until our return, the
interest and welfare of every one was uppermost in his mind. He carried
the weight of many a burden. His endurance, fidelity and patience never
failed. These all shall receive the appreciation and commendation of our
sincerest souls.
Of the cheer, devotion, and enthusiasm of our Conductor, Mr. Soule, we
have already spoken. Of the courage, inflexibility, persistency,
perseverance and undying faith in the work of the Society, shown by the
leader of the orchestra, Mr. Jones, we have already made mention. Both
of these men in their respective places were an absolute necessity for
the crowning of our work. We desire also to refer to the assistance
rendered by the editors of the two (2) local papers especially
interested in our work. The gentlemen connected with the Randolph
Register, Mr. D. H. Huxford, and the Stoughton Sentinel, Mr. L. W.
Standish, were so glad to speak a work to aid the Society in its work.
The encouragement and assistance thus rendered were helpful when they
were needed, and our appreciation of their worth is here recorded.
Those who aided by their contributions were truly friends in deed. Dark
days were passing over our land financially, while we were urging on
this enterprise. Many who would have gladly responded under the
circumstances were obliged with regret to decline to give. Others there
were who returned in cheerful response with a substantial gift. To all
such we offer the recognition of our choicest gratitude.
In a word, all who joined in any way in rendering this work of the
Society so successful, whether it be the one who, while remaining at
home, bestowed a gift from the purse, or the one who joined in the grand
chorus of Music Hall, or the one who, with instrumental music, sustained
the voice of this grand chorus, must continually rejoice in the work
accomplished, and point with delight to the record it has written.
As we returned, the hope was expressed that there might be a reunion
from time to time of those who joined this grand undertaking. Such
reunions would certainly keep alive that which was so important in the
minds of those who were present at Chicago in August, 1893.
We commend them as worthy of continuance and perpetuation. However that
may or may not be, may the annual Christmas gathering tend to hold
united both those who are permitted to join in the eventful work of the
Chicago Exposition, and those who are with us today, or may come after
us, to perpetuate this musical organization, which today is entering
upon its one hundred and tenth (110) year of eventful life.
What has this Society done? We may not recite all. But these things it
has done. It has kept alive the music of the Fathers for 109 years.
We are singing today the strains that were sung in 1786 when this
organization had its birth. It has celebrated a centennial, which event
has not yet been reached by any other musical organization in this
country, and showed in that Centennial that it was well worth a place in
the sisterhood of musical organizations in this country, and last but
not least it has performed before the eyes of the world the music from
the American composers of a century or more ago, and left an historic
impress in this style of musical composition that no other society has
done. Just this has been its latest work—it responded to the cordial
invitation to present the American music of the olden days to the gaze
of the world. In this act it has surpassed every other musical
organization in this country. In this act it stands alone in its
presentation of that music which will be preserved for generations to
come. This is a grand historic honor. The annals of music will contain
the record of this work on its pages, and advancing days and months and
years and centuries will intensify the importance and perfection of its
work and brighten and illumine the lustre of its glories.
Sanford Waters Billings, President.
Henry L. Pierce............................$500.00
E. A. Morse............................... 100.00
C. F. Dunbar.............................. 100.00
Augustus Hemenway ...................... 20.00
Harriet E. Damon ......................... 30.00
Mrs. J. L. Gardner......................... 20.00
J. J. Feeley............................... . 25.00
Col. Wm. Moore ........................... 25.00
Samuel Atherton .......................... 25.00
Charles Tenney............................ 15.00
C. W. Welch .............................. 15.00
William and Walter Atherton............... . 15.00
William Curtis............................ 10.00
Rev. Ebenezer Alden ....................... 10.00
Sarah B. Alden............................ 30.00
Edmund K. Alden, D. D..................... 20.00
Alice M. Turner........................... 25.00
Dr. C. C. Farnham......................... 25.00
Mrs. N. G. Bayliss.................... . 25.00
Mrs. Maria D. Litchfield.................... 10.00
Dr. Gruver ............................... 8.00
Newell S. Atwood.......................... 9.00
L. W. Standish ............................ 13.00
O. A. Marden ............................. 5.00
W. R. Swan............................... 5.00
Samuel Curtis............................. 5.00
E. P. Clapp............................... 5.00
Arthur L. Holmes ......................... 5.00
Henry W. Britton.......................... 5.00
Wales French ............................. 5.00
Nathaniel Wales........................... 5.00
J. & H. Fitzpatrick......................... 5.00
E. F. Leonard............................. 5.00
N. D. Atwood ......................... 2.00
George O. Wentworth ...................... 2.00
Dr. Michael Glennon ....................... 2.00
$1,131.00 Sale of tickets and music.................$ 264.31
Total Received.......................... $1,395.31
Expenses ...............................$1,320.97
Balance .................................$ 74.34
The Transportation Committee made arrangements to purchase round trip
tickets, via Boston & Maine and Grand Trunk Railway, for $26.00 per
person, also to house the members at the dormitories of the Chicago
University, and to give from the contributed fund a rebate of $10.00 per
person, so that the whole necessary expense should not exceed $40.00. It
was afterwards found expedient to raise this limit to $45.00, and it was
done with the consent of nearly all of the members of the chorus.

Thomas Dunbar - Thomas French - Elij. Atherton
Charles D. Hayden - Thomas Capen - Joel Talbot
Elijah Dunbar
Perez Cushing - Winslow Battles - Charles F. Porter
Names of Singers
Mary G. Alden, Dorchester
James S. Allen, E. Bridgewater
Mrs. James S. Allen, E. Bridgewater
Lyman R. Allen, E. Bridgewater
Elbert G. Allen, E. Bridgewater
Mrs. Geo. W. Allen, E. Bridgewater
Alice H. Allen, E. Bridgewater
G. Winthrop Allen, E. Bridgewater
Grace W. Allen, Braintree
Fred W. Allen, Braintree
J. D. Atwood, N. Easton
Mrs. Charles Bates, Hingham
William L. Bates, Hingham
Elizabeth B. Battles, Brockton
Alanson Belcher, Stoughton
Joseph Belcher, Randolph
G. Vernon Bennett, Plymouth
Ella E. Bickford, Dorchester
S. W. Billings, Sharon
Osmond J. Billings, Sharon
D. H. Blanchard, Avon
Mrs. D. H. Blanchard, Avon
H. Lawton Blanchard, Avon
Galen V. Bowditch, Quincy
Emily L. Burrell, W. Bridgewatsr
Harriet M. Bretton, Brockton
Elijah G. Capen, Stoughton
Harriet M. Capen, Stoughton
K. R. Clifford, Stoughton
C. F. Cole, Plymouth
Fanny Corbett, Rockland
F. W. Crane, Avon
F. E. Curtis, No. Adams
Mrs. F. E. Curtis, No. Adams
Nellie Cooper, Gloucester
Mrs. Dean, Brockton
Bertha Deane, Taunton
Dr. T. H. Dearing, Braintree
Mrs. T. H. Dearing, Braintree
Frank A. Dunham, Brockton
Geo. Sawyer Dunham, Brockton
Ezra Diman, New Bedford
Miss Duquod, Gloucester
Mrs. Marie Fobert, Rockland
Marion Howard, Rockland
Frank W. Jones, W. Norwell
Lucy E. Keith, Braintree
Marcia S. Keith, Braintree
Mrs. F. E. Lawrence, Brockton
Frank M. Leavitt, Roxbury
G. S. Leonard, Sharon
Ida J. Loud, Taunton
Mary E. Morton, Stoughton
G. Bertrand Mitchell, E. Bridgewater
Mrs. F. M. Miles, Gloucester
A. C. Monroe, Worcester
Mrs. Charles Millett, Rockland
Charlotte J. Newton, E. Bridgewater
Isabel O. Nutter, E. Bridgewater
T. A. Norris, Brockton
J. Atherton Packard, Stoughton
F. W. Packard, Randolph
Marcus M. Porter, Stoughton
Ellis B. Porter, Stoughton
Mrs. Otis H. Randall, Brockton
Nellie S. Redfern, Taunton
Cora W. Reed, Taunton
Nellie F. Roberts, Holbrook
Mrs. E. L. Ross, Springfield
Leander Soule, Taunton
L, W. Standish, Stoughton
Ida L. Soule, Middleboro
Mrs. Norman B. Shaw, Brockton
Elmer E. Sherman, Plymouth
Mary E. Searle, Stoughton
W. Ray Speare, Randolph
Bessie O. Storey, Pigeon Cove
Mary A. Thayer, Stoughton
Carrie M. Tucker, Milton
Sarah E. Tucker, Milton
Henry W. Vose, Milton
Hattie M. Vose, Milton
Mrs. Geo. E. Wales, Milton
Mr. Geo. E. Wales, Milton
Emma S. Walker, Taunton
A. P. White, Stoughton
Guilford White, Eastondale
Helen T. Whittemore, Allston
Helen P. Folsom, Dorchester
Lucy J. Gould, Randolph
Sullivan D. Hill, Springfield
Nettie I. Hill, Springfield
Mrs. Dr. Howard, Randolph
Rebecca Hartshorn, Walpole
Mr. D. B. White, Randolph
Mrs. D. B. White, Randolph
Mrs. W. P. Whitman, E. Bridgewater
W. H. H. Weston, Plymouth
Mrs. Belle Wright, Middleboro
Mrs. Cora Hunt, Holbrook
Members of Orchestra
E, A. Jones, Violin, Stoughton
Geo. E. Shepard, Violin, No. Easton
Flora B. Nichols, Violin
Carroll A. Capen, Violin, Randolph
Geo. B. Bryant, Violin, Randolph
Walter L. Flint, Viola, Waban
M. C. Cuttle, Viola, Lowell
G. R. Whitney, Violincello, Haverhill
G. S. Cuttle, Violincello, Stoughton
Norman Shaw, Bass Viol, Brockton
Jas. S. Allen, Jr., Clarinet, East Bridgewater
Persons in Party Not Singers in the Concerts
Fannie M. Burnham, Stoughton
H. R. Boyden
Dr. Lyman T. Bigelow, Walpole
E. S. C. Brightman
Belle F. Capen, Stoughton
Florence Cobb, Canton
Gertrude Cobb, Canton
Mabel J. Cooke, Whitman
May W. Curtis
Clyde C. Clark, Denver
Mr. Grenville Clapp
G. R. Williams
Mrs. Grenville Clapp
J. J. Feeley, Walpole
Mrs. Frank M. Leavitt
Emma Leo
Josephine Leo
Maria L. Nutter
Mary Ruggle
Miss M. L. Strong, Waban
Miss I. L. Strong, Waban
Annie Watson
Isabelle Winslow
A copy of the program follows:
Chicago: May-October: 1893 Monday, August 14, at 3 o'clock. Tuesday,
August 15, at 3 o'clock
Music Hall Series Nos. 38 and 39.
Organized Nov. 7, 1786. The Oldest Musical Organization in
the United States. Chorus of 100 in Costume
Edwin A. Jones, Leader of Orchestra; L. Soule, Chorister.
Soloists: Miss Marie W. Fobert, Soprano; Mrs. Belle I. Wright,
Contralto; Frank A. Dunham, Tenor; Thomas A. Norris, Bass.
Program :
a. "Turner," pub. in 1802, Abraham Maxim, 1773-1829
b. "Invitation," pub. in 1793, Jacob Kimball, 1761-1826
c. "Complaint," pub. in 1791, Parmenter
d. "Contentment," pub. in 1805, John Cole
2.—Duet, "Arrayed in Golden Light," Oliver Shaw, 1776-1849
3.—a. "Emmanuel," pub. about 1790, Wm. Billings, 1746-1800
b. "New Bethlehem," pub. about 1800, Edward French, 1761-1845
c. "Majesty,'" pub. about 1790, William Billings
4. - Trio, "Omega," pub. about 1793, Oliver Holden, 1765-1844
5. - a. "Austria," pub. in 1790, Nahum Mitchell, 1769-1853
b. "Greenwich," pub. in 1793, Daniel Reid, 1757-1836
c. "Heavenly Vision," pub. in 1786, Jacob French, 1754-------
6. - a. Solo and Chorus, "Ode to Columbia's Favorite Son," Oliver Holden
(Composed for and sung by the Independent Musical Society, on the
arrival of the President at the Triumphal Arch, in Boston, October 24,
1789. It is now performed for the second time.)
b. "Chester,;" pub. in 1770, Words and Music by Wm. Billings
c. "Ode on Science," pub. in 1798, Jezaniah Sumner, 1754-1836
d. "Victory," pub. in 1793, Daniel Reid
7. - Song, "There's Nothing True but Heaven," Oliver Shaw
8. - Easter Anthem, Wm. Billings
9.- "China," pub. in 1788, Timothy Sivan, 1757-1842
10.- a. "New Jerusalem," pub. in 1802, Jeremiah Ingalls, 1764-1838
b. "David's Invitation," Wm. Billings
c. "Mount Vernon," pub. in 1803, John Cole
11.—Quartette, "When as Returns This Solemn Day," Lowell Mason,
12. - Anthem, "Jehovah's Praise," pub. about 1837, Edward L. White

Sanford W. Billings - Daniel H. Huxford - George N. Spear
Marcus M. Porter - Dr. T. H. Dearing - Joseph F. Porter
Hon. James T. Stevens